Real Time With Jesus

Dear COTC,

This past week has been marked by the tragedies in Nashville and Juarez. The combination of death, evil, and human failure are a stark reminder of the brokenness and sin of our world. 

Beginning this Sunday, the church enters into Holy Week, marking out the climactic events of Jesus life and of salvation history. Palm Sunday is our entry into this “real time” journey to the cross, as we track with the final days of Jesus’ approach to the cross. Through our worship in the week ahead, we chronologically mark out how God in Christ has humbly entered into and dealt with the brokenness of the world, defeating sin, evil, death, and the powers of hell. 

As we have seen this past week, these powers are still all too present and at work in the world and in us. But they do not hold sway. Jesus has won the victory. He has the last word. His is the way to true and eternal life. This is the reality we will proclaim and celebrate on Easter Sunday. 

I hope you can join us in our worship this week as we follow Jesus together:

  • Join us early for our Palm Sunday procession as we begin worship outdoors. Play your part in the reading of the Passion narrative as we remember Jesus as our humble king.

  • Join us in celebrating the Last Supper and our embodiment of Jesus's command that we love and serve one another on Maundy Thursday.

  • Enter into the forsaken goodness of the cross on Good Friday as we reflect upon Jesus's final seven words on the cross.

  • Finally, rejoice with us over Christ's great triumph on Easter Sunday as we declare, "The Lord is risen."

In addition to these times of corporate worship, you can pray and follow along each day of Holy Week with these resources. See details on times below.

In Christ,


Ps. Father David's new book, on the use of our bodies in worship, released this past week! See below for details on the release party we'll be having later in April, and check the out the book. It's a great resource for considering how our bodies are a gift for use in the worship of God. 

Peter CoelhoComment