Provoking the Crisis

Hi COTC Family! 

We had a rich start to Lent this week at both of our Ash Wednesday services. This is always one of my favorite times of worship together in the year, poignant and focusing us on the mercy of God. 

As we enter into the season of Lent, we as a community are fasting. On Wednesdays, we’re encouraging the whole community to engage in this practice in some way. Four primary reasons for fasting are identified in the Practicing the Way curriculum (register for the group going through this curriculum, beginning this Sunday, here). They are: 

  1. To offer ourselves to God.

  2. To grow in holiness.

  3. To amplify our prayers. 

  4. To stand with the poor. 

Related to some of these reasons, a recent essay mentioned the notion of “provoking a crisis” in relation to Lent and fasting. By depriving ourselves of some created good (specifically food), we initiate a sense of crisis. We deprive ourselves, provoking the need to reorient our lives around God and to depend upon Him. For me, pangs of hunger while fasting, or temptations toward eating, serve as a reminder of a deeper hunger and need for God. It’s not fun, but each instance helps me recognize that my primary longing is for the kingdom of heaven. These are small moments of crisis, that remind me of the crisis that it is to be a human being, marked by weakness and sin. With that recognition, I find I encounter Jesus in a new and fresh way.

Of course, some of us enter this season without the need to initiate a sense of crisis. We are already in crisis ourselves or responding to crises. By God's grace, even these situations help us to recognize our dependence upon Jesus. May his presence and faithfulness be made manifest in them. Lord, have mercy.

A few families who have experienced crises over the last few weeks or months have real financial needs associated with them. There are a two opportunities to contribute to these needs if you are able. The value of the presence of friends and community during a time of crisis is difficult to overstate. If you are in need of support or connection, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Friendship is also the theme of our men’s retreat this year. I’m excited about that, and about our speaker, the Rev. Eric Bolash. We’ll be communicating about the retreat further in the weeks to come but you can register already here

In Christ,


PS. Last week I mentioned the Rev. Claude Atcho. Kimberly+ is interviewing him on Zoom next Thursday evening on behalf of the Revelation 7:9 Task Force of our diocese. You are invited to join in! Details and registration are here

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