Two Different Invitations

This week I have two very different invitations for you. 

First, as a part of our Advent practice, we are hosting a quiet day/morning at the church building on Saturday. Come by at any time between 9 and noon, or for that whole window. The building will be open for time in prayer, quiet, and stillness. There will be a few corporate activities scheduled, but the bulk of the time will be for us to be still in God’s presence. Alongside our Wednesdays in prayer, this day is intended to be a part of our keeping silence before God and waiting upon Jesus. Join us! 

Second, and completely different, join us on Sunday, following the 11am service, for our annual chili cook-off/competition. We have a lot of entries, but register here if you plan to bring chili. Otherwise, please bring a side, chips or cornbread. Drinks, toppings, and dessert will be provided and a prize will be awarded for the best chili (St. Nick, whose feast day was on the 6th, might make an appearance!). Events like this are a part of our value of celebration–rejoicing in the simple goodness of God together! It’s also a "low-bar" event. A great opportunity to invite someone who doesn’t go to church or know Jesus, so they might taste and see that the Lord (and hopefully the chili) is good. 

Like many in our community, I’ve been under the weather this past week. The forced rest and quiet have been both a gift and a challenge. A gift in that it has been nice to clear the calendar and spend time by myself with God. A challenge in that there is a humbling recognition of how the world keeps moving without me. 

There is something of Advent in both that gift and challenge. The opportunity to be still and alone with Jesus is part of what this season encourages. The season also engenders an awareness that our hopes and longings are not centered upon our own activity. We are waiting for something better than we can accomplish. There is a recognition in Advent that Jesus' timing and return have primacy. His sure return, certain regardless of my level of activity, is the good for which we all await. Come, Lord Jesus, come

Please join me in praying for healing and restoration for those in our community who are sick or struggling physically. 

Grace and peace, 


Ps. You can also bring a toy for Harris ES students and check out the Guerras' concert on December 14th! Details here.

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