What Are You Waiting For?

Hi COTC Family, 

We’re all waiting for something. Our lives are marked by some anticipated outcome or event. In all kinds of arenas, we’re hoping for some preferred future - in business, in our families, in our relationships.

The season of Advent, as a season of waiting, is an opportunity to consider where it is that our waiting centered. What are we longing after and hoping in? To consider what and who it is that we are look to for satisfaction. Specifically it is an opportunity to reconsider how it is our deepest longings are are fulfilled in Jesus and His coming again.

I believe it is God’s intention and desire that this Advent we would more become a people who wait upon Him. May we see afresh that our hopes and satisfaction are and will be most fully fulfilled in Jesus and the coming of His kingdom. Over these coming four weeks, may Jesus be revealed to you in such a way, that you would see Him as singularly worthy of your waiting. May the Lord gently but surely recalibrate us to wait upon Him, through Scripture, in prayer, by stillness and silence, and in service to others. Come, Holy Spirit. Come, Lord Jesus. 

Waiting in Christ with you,


Ps. COTC’s own Sarah Smith has been recently appointed by Bishop Todd as Co-Dean, alongside Cliff Warner of Christ Church, for the Texas Deanery. You might not know what a “Dean” is in this context, but it basically means that Sarah will be working to care for and support clergy in the Texas area on behalf of the Bishop. Considering Sarah’s wisdom and maturity this is a perfect fit! Please pray for her in this new role which involves some added responsibilities alongside her work here at COTC. Congratulations Sarah!  

Pps. A theme of Advent also includes God’s justice. In connection with this the Matthew 25 Initiative, an Anglican effort regarding ministries of justice and mercy, is hosting a webinar with Gary Haugen of IJM this Monday. Check out the details and link here.

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